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How Do You Know You Have an Addiction?

How do you know if you have an addiction starts with examining your current behaviors and some self-reflection. Have you ever stolen money for drugs or alcohol? Have you lied about using drugs or alcohol? Have you gotten into a car accident while under the influence?

Have you ever called out work or skipped school to use substances? All of these indicate you have a substance use issue. There are other things you should also be aware of that usually indicate addiction. 

Inability to Stop or Control Using Substances

One of the more common signs of addiction is the inability to stop or control your alcohol or drug use. If you find that you have issues where you start drinking and cannot stop, or once you take a hit, you need more and have no self-control, you may need rehab treatment.  

Realizing the Impact Addiction Has on Your Life

It can be hard for friends and family members to accept a loved one has an addiction. They often downplay the seriousness of the impacts addiction is having not just on your life but their lives, too. It is important to take a step back and assess different situations that are often clear indications of addiction. 

Assessing Situations

Assessing situations involves looking at the behaviors of a loved one and determining if they have an addiction. Do they make excuses about working late? Has your home been broken into a lot recently? Have you noticed your bank accounts are being drained? These are all potential situations that could indicate addiction. 

Problems Keeping Jobs Due to Addiction

Another sign that someone could have an addiction is difficulties maintaining and keeping a job. If someone misses work, calls out sick, or seems to go from job to job, it often means something deeper is going on. It could be related to alcohol or drug use. 


When friends and family are concerned about their loved ones, they often confront them. When they do, the first response is denial. They become deceptive and turn things around, usually deflecting the issue entirely. Afterward, friends and family members feel like they didn’t get the answers they wanted. But they are so worn down and can even feel guilty that they don’t pursue it further. 

Changes in Behavior

Addiction causes noticeable changes in behavior. The extent of the changes varies based on the substance and extent of the addiction.

Some common changes in behavior could include:

  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • No longer finding enjoyment in hobbies and activities
  • Frequent mood swings and irritability
  • Easily becoming angered
  • Exhibiting violence and aggressive behaviors
  • Associating with new “friends” who abuse alcohol and drugs
  • Strained relationships

Justifying Erratic Behavior

Addicts are skilled at justifying erratic behaviors related to their addiction. They will blame others for their problems. Furthermore, they can justify drinking or using drugs as a way to alleviate stress and anxiety. They could engage in risky behaviors and justify them because they were under the influence. They can also make others feel like they are to blame for their erratic behaviors.

In our podcast, we discuss ways to know your addiction is severe. Click this link to watch the video.

Needing to Use the Drug to Feel Joyful or Happy

It is easy to fall into the trap of looking forward to drinking or using drugs just to experience the euphoric effects. As someone sinks further into addiction, they often withdraw socially. So, someone could use alcohol or drugs to feel joyful or happy around their friends or family.

This behavior often points to addiction. They feel like they need to be under the influence just to function socially. 

Getting Defensive or Manipulative When Confronted About Addiction

Someone struggling with addiction is one of the most manipulative persons you will ever talk to. They know how to go on the defensive and manipulate situations when confronted. To add, they will make it seem like you are making more out of the issues, and there is no problem. last, but not least, they can even make you feel like a bad person for confronting them. 

In most cases, friends and family will never catch their loved one using drugs or drinking excessively. This is because addicts know how to hide their alcohol and drug use. They become skilled at making it appear like they do not have an addiction. 

Scripture Psalms 139: 23 and 24

Psalms 139 is a beautiful Bible passage that can help overcome addiction. It helps people reconnect and rebuild their relationship with God. Specifically, Psalms 139: 23 and 24 says:

  • “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

This passage reminds us that everyone is completely under God’s care. It reminds us we were created with a purpose, and God loves us no matter what. God will always be with us because he cares about us, even when we fall victim to addiction. 

Detox and Treatment

The scariest thing is to admit when someone needs help for their addiction. Taking this initial step can be a huge relief when it can be shared with someone else. Yet, they can be afraid to share this with their friends and family.

Fortunately, another option is available—to contact Spring2Life Recovery. Our intake specialists are here to listen, provide support and guidance, and help people start the path to detox and addiction treatment.  

Find Salvation in God and Recovery in Nashville Today

Whether you are questioning how do you know you have an addiction, or know you do, and want help, you are never alone. At Spring2Life Recovery, our caring and compassionate team is here to support your recovery. We provide comprehensive and personalized treatment plans that incorporate recovery in Christ and God.

Contact us now to discover the healing power of Christ and God and the path to a brighter future free from substances.


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